Safety is Paramount

"At GRID Alternatives, your safety is not just a priority; it's paramount," emphasizes David Calhoun, our dedicated Safety and Training officer at GRID Alternatives Headquarters.

Each year, approximately 150,000 construction site accidents lead to injuries. Shockingly, in 2021,  5,190 workers in the United States suffered fatal work injuries, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. These numbers underscore the gravity of the situation and why, at GRID, we take safety with the utmost seriousness.
Earlier this year, GRID Safety officers gathered in Inland Empire California, for the first-ever organization wide Safety Summit. Our officers traveled from across the U.S. and Latin America to attend this important event. Participants spent five days with industry experts on fall protection, electrical safety, and ergonomics. Officers also came together to discuss best practices and to raise awareness around safety.
Warehouse Supervisor, Luis Magana, from our Central Valley office was one of the participants in attendance. Since accepting the newly created Safety Officer position, the summit gave him much-needed guidance. Aside from all the learning and certificates he received, he enjoyed breaking bread and getting to know his coworkers. The positive learning environment that was created made him feel welcomed. The highlight of his experience was the camaraderie he felt from members of the GRID leadership team.