Women in Solar

Nonprofit solar installer GRID Alternatives has launched its national Women in Solar Program, which the organization describes as an effort to build a diverse, equitable and inclusive solar industry by providing pathways to technical careers for women, highlighting the voices of women of color in the industry, and providing national leadership on solar workforce diversity.
GRID Alternatives North Valley hosted another successful Vets Serving Vets installation at the home of Kenneth Brown last month in Sacramento. This special installation was inspired by our Troops to Solar initiative as well as our Women in Solar initiative, as five members of the Women’s Veterans Alliance stepped up to serve their fellow veteran.
Marissa Torres sits at the reception desk at GRID Central Valley eagerly typing away. She is always quiet and polite but one should not mistake the dynamic force that lingers within this young woman. She is a queen on the rise with a mission to serve. GRID Alternatives is very proud to make her a permanent part of the family after her year of service through SolarCorps.