GRID Alternatives has been selected as the administrator of the Disadvantaged Communities – Single-Family Solar Homes (DAC-SASH) program. This California state program provides $8.5 million in incentives annually to help homeowners in disadvantaged communities go solar.

What is the DAC-SASH Program?

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has approved the DAC-SASH program to increase the adoption of clean, affordable solar by residential customers living in disadvantaged communities. The DAC-SASH program runs through 2030, and is modeled after California’s long-standing and successful Single-family Affordable Solar Homes (SASH) program. The CPUC has more information about solar programs for disadvantaged communities available on their website.

To qualify for DAC-SASH, homeowners must live in one of the top 25 percent most disadvantaged communities statewide using the CalEnviroScreen, and be a billing customer of Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), or San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). Homeowners must also meet income qualifications as denoted by annual CARE and FERA guidelines. See the CPUC website for more information about income limits.

The DAC-SASH program integrates job training opportunities into every project, creating ladders of opportunity for individuals from all backgrounds to access well-paid jobs in California’s solar industry, and ensuring lasting community impact.

GRID is accepting applications to DAC-SASH through our Energy for All Program. The Energy for All Program bundles state funding for solar with other local incentives and private philanthropy to make solar technology available at low to no cost to our clients.

Goals of the DAC-SASH Program:

  • Maximize financial savings for low-income households in economically and environmentally disadvantaged communities.
  • Enhance long-term economic self-sufficiency in low-income communities by providing community members with access to green jobs training and solar employment opportunities.
  • Ensure consumer protection and long-term participant benefit.
  • Provide education on energy efficiency and existing programs that can provide further benefits to families.
  • Ensure robust participation and access for households in PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E territories.

See if you qualify. Find out about job training

Already had solar installed with us? Visit our Homeowner Support page to learn more about how to maintain the solar system and maximize your energy savings.

Statistics about the program are now available in the database of the California Distributed Generation Statistics.

Read the program handbook and the 2025 Marketing, Education, and Outreach Plan.