About SASH
The SASH program was structured to provide qualifying single-family homeowners with access to solar technology while also providing green jobs training, employment, and community engagement opportunities. The program was enacted by CA Assembly Bill 2723, which directed that a minimum of 10% of California Solar Initiative (CSI) funds be set aside for programs assisting low-income households in Investor Owned Utility (IOU) service territories. Originally scheduled to sunset in 2015, the SASH program was extended to 2021. Under the original SASH fund, GRID Alternatives installed systems on over 5,200 homes in California and under SASH 2.0 that number is 4,300 homes as of early 2022, for a total of almost 10,000 households served. SASH funds have enabled communities that have been historically left out of the renewable energy market to become integral partners in building a more sustainable community and solar industry.
Program objectives:
- Create broad community engagement with solar in low-income affordable housing.
- Provide education for low-income homeowners on the benefits of energy efficiency and solar technologies.
- Enroll and refer qualifying families to providers for energy efficiency services.
- Enable low-income families to access money-saving solar technologies by providing up-front incentives.
- Provide opportunities for community volunteers to participate and for public-private partnerships supporting low-income communities to develop.
- Support local green-jobs training and workforce development programs by enabling job trainees to participate in solar electric system installations.
Program updates:
- As of December 2019, the SASH program in PG&E utility territory is fully reserved (based on incentive dollars) and therefore closed to new applications.
- As of June 2020, the SASH program in SDG&E utility territory is fully reserved (based on incentive dollars) and closed to any new applications.
- As of January 2022, the program in SCE utility territory is also closed to new applications.
Click here for a multi-lingual SASH brochure.
SASH is a part of the Go Solar California campaign