One of GRID’s key training programs is Installation Basics Training (IBT). IBT is a competency-based certificate program that develops the skills needed for entry-level solar installation jobs and related construction pathways. IBT focuses on skills-based assessments, providing trainees with valuable hands-on training and access to potential employment opportunities.
Benefits of the IBT Program
- Valuable hands-on training
- Access to potential employment opportunities
- Earning skill certificates by demonstrating competency in real-world installations
- Develop competencies to be prepared for entry-level solar installation jobs
- Meaningful, hands-on work experience in a supportive and inclusive environment
Earning IBT Certificates
IBT prepares trainees for work based on the job task analysis for NABCEP's PV Installer Specialist. The curriculum includes training in array installation, commissioning and O&M, construction basics, electricity basics, employment readiness, and safety. After graduating, trainees will receive certificates for IBT, OSHA-10, and CPR/First Aid.
GRID’s IBT 200 program was recently accredited by the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) for the Central Valley training center. This accreditation has a rigorous application process to ensure high-quality clean energy job training. It also ensures GRID has established:
- A safe training environment
- Participatory learning
- Instructor to student ratios
- A process for continuous improvement
- Connections with the industry to keep the program relevant
Employment Opportunities for Trainees
Trainees have access to various potential paths to employment, including
- On-site networking opportunities with other participants and partner organizations
- Direct connection to employers who are hiring during a solar showcase or job fair
- Referrals to
- companies who are hiring for installation and other positions in the solar industry and the trades
- paid short-term work through GRID's Sub-contractor Partnership Program (SPP) or Junior Commercial Installer (JCI) Program
- paid 11-month apprenticeship program through GRID’s SolarCorps Fellowship program
Are you a solar employer or job training organization?
If you are interested in supporting GRID’s job training programs or hiring a GRID trainee, please contact us at or call us at (510) 739-7137.
Are you interested in training with GRID?
Fill out our IBT 200 Interest form.