Single-Family Solar
GRID works with low-income homeowners to install no-cost rooftop solar panels and help lower household electricity costs. Each installation is also an opportunity for community members and job trainees to get hands-on experience with solar power. In California, GRID Alternatives is a statewide program administrator for the Single-Family Affordable Solar Homes (SASH) program, the Disadvantaged Communities - Single-family Solar Homes (DAC-SASH) program, and the solar portion of the Low-Income Weatherization Program (LIWP).
Community Solar
Community solar provides access to cost-saving solar power regardless of roof condition or home-ownership status. GRID Alternatives partners with cooperative, municipal and investor-owned utilities and other community groups to develop shared solar arrays that benefit their highest energy burdened customers, including individual subscribers and affordable housing off-takers.
Multifamily Solar
Solar can reduce and stabilize energy costs for affordable housing providers, and reduce bills for their tenants. GRID is helping catalyze this sector by providing no-cost technical assistance and low-cost design and installation services for affordable housing owners and developers who provide housing and vital services to low-income renters. Our holistic model includes energy efficiency partnerships, community education and engagement, and job training opportunities for residents.
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