Corporate Sponsorships

GRID volunteers waving at the camera.
Innovative partnerships that put clean energy technology to work transforming underserved communities.

GRID offers multiple ways for companies to participate in our work, from corporate volunteerism events for employees, to equipment sponsorships, to organization-level investments that help us bring our successful model to new states and new communities. For more information contact

Measurable Impacts

Every GRID Alternatives project has measurable impacts that align with our partners' social and environmental responsibility goals. Your investment will provide long-term financial savings to families in need, prepare workers for jobs in the growing solar industry and contribute to greenhouse gas reductions. 

Engaged Employees

Installing solar with GRID Alternatives is a unique opportunity for your employees to get hands-on with the future of energy, while developing their team dynamics. On-the-ground engagement also gives participants a sense of pride in your company's social and environmental investments.

Cutting Edge Philanthropy

GRID Alternatives' partners benefit from association with the nation's largest solar nonprofit and a leading innovator in solar deployment in underserved communities. Our work touches tens of thousands of people each year and reaches the top levels of industry, government and media.

Corporate Engagement Events

Team building. Check. Helping a family. Check. Learning about solar. Check. Sponsored workdays are available in major markets across the country and can be customized for busy schedules. Executive events are a great way to improve coordination and communication among top leadership and publicize your company's commitment to philanthropy.

Equipment Partnerships

GRID Alternatives works in major solar markets nationwide, providing high-level exposure opportunities for our equipment partners. Thousands of people get hands-on with donated solar equipment each year, including established and up-and-coming installers, entrepreneurs, potential customers, media professionals, business leaders and policy makers. 

Organizational Partnerships

GRID Alternatives is a rapidly-growing organization that enters new markets every year. Organizational partners invest in our work and receive recognition at a national scale. See a list of our current partners and supporters.

Community-Based Partnerships

Our Community-Based Outreach Partnership work connects community-based organizations to GRID’s renewable energy programs to ensure we reach communities with the lowest access and highest barriers to adoption. Together, we build people-first solutions through EV incentives, EV charging installations, and solar installations on single and multi-family buildings. With trust-based collaboration, our partnership practice distributes clean energy benefits while sharing our institutional and financial resources. We know our partnerships must be beneficial to community members and our partner groups if we want to foster a more complex and adaptable environmental and energy justice ecosystem.

Programmatic Partnerships

Programmatic partnerships match your corporate social responsibility goals with our high-impact programs. Support tribal and international energy access, STEM education for high school and college students, and job training in underserved communities.

Event Sponsorships

GRID Alternatives' events attract local, state and national policymakers, media and industry leaders. Sponsorships can include employee volunteerism, co-branding and speaking opportunities.