Major equipment partners commit to providing large scale donations and low-cost product to support GRID Alternatives' work nationwide. If your company would be interested in exploring an organization-wide equipment partnership with GRID Alternatives, please contact us at

A philanthropic partner since 2010. A GRID Alternatives Major Equipment Partner since 2012, providing in-kind donations of the Enphase® Microinverter System.
Equipment donations make our work a reality!
Your donated or discounted solar modules, inverters, racking, EV chargers, storage solutions, and more help us accelerate a transition to clean energy that includes everyone. We gladly accept equipment that is CEC listed, UL listed, and fully warrantied (25 years for panels and 10 years for inverters).
In order to ensure that our projects meet the requirements of various state, municipal, and financing mandates, we may not be able to accept equipment for U.S. projects that is used, cosmetically or functionally damaged, not included on the approved vendor list of our third-party financers, of too low wattage, or that will incur unreasonable shipping and storage costs. We may be able to utilize these types of equipment on international or tribal projects on a case-by-case basis, though. Thank you for your understanding.