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Energy for All!

GRID’s unique, people-first model is putting money back into families’ pockets, increasing housing affordability and reducing the energy cost burden for affordable housing providers.
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Each single-family solar installation GRID installs prevents approximately 43 tons of harmful greenhouse gas emissions - the equivalent of planting 994 trees.
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Everyone at GRID has a unique story - from clients to volunteers to job trainees and beyond, people are what make our work special.

Bay Area

GRID Alternatives Bay Area installs rooftop, community, and multifamily solar electric systems for income qualified households and affordable housing providers, providing families with needed savings and training workers for jobs in the green-tech economy. We also help low-income families access clean vehicle and transportation options that can save them money and improve local air quality. Offices in both Oakland and Willits allow GRID Bay Area to serve residents from Santa Clara to Sonoma County as well as tribal communities in Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, and upper Sonoma counties. Be a part of the clean energy transition - become a client, volunteer, member or make a donation today!
grid staff on roof


Your gift puts solar power and solar jobs where they are needed most.

Get In Touch

GRID Bay Area

1171 Ocean Avenue, Suite 200
Oakland, CA 94608

GRID North Coast

377 East San Francisco Avenue
Willits, CA 95490

General Inquiries – / 510-731-1310

To see if you qualify for GRID’s programs -

For questions on approved systems or installation –

Donations, Sponsorships, and Media Inquiries –  

To learn about our workforce training programs –


Bay Area’s Air Quality Corridor

Your melanin content not only dictates where you can live, but what air you can breathe. In the East Bay, housing and transit policies combined to ensure that communities of color are more likely to have respiratory illnesses.

Electrifying Berkeley

Edgar Arellano-Meli, Micromobility Program Manager at GRID Alternatives Clean Mobility, shared his experience working with Berkeley’s E-Bike Equity Pilot (BEEP).

The Berkeley E-Bike Equity Project (BEEP) Impact

Before receiving the e-bike, she was afraid and anxious at the idea of cycling due to a cycling accident when she was younger.
Hanne is a recipient of one of GRID Bay Area’s Micro-mobility programs, and as a result of her experience, she now is a wholehearted advocate for “initiatives that champion mobility justice and accessibility for all,” she said.