NY1 Weekend Evening Anchor Cheryl Wills visited GRID Alternatives Tri-State to interview Executive Director Peter Mandelstam about the solar industry and the challenges and opportunities ahead for solar in New York City.
New York City is slowly becoming solar city, an estimated 10,000 homes have switched to solar power —but it's not cheap. The installation of these panels on private homes can cost upwards of $20,000.
"Historically it's hard to do solar in urban areas because there's very little space, it's more expensive" Mandelstam said. But for those who are ready to flip the switch, GRID Alternatives is the nation's largest solar energy non-profit organization — and the Bronx-based affiliate installs solar panels for little to no cost. GRID Alternatives seeks low-income homeowners with annual incomes of less than $50,000 for installations.
"As long as the roof has been well maintained, we put solar on a rack on the roof, we plug it into the system and it generates electricity and it off sets the grid power."
See the full article and video clip at NY1.com