Solar Irrigation's Long-term Impact on the Cruz Family Farm

Here is an overall look at the impact of one solar irrigation system installed at the Boanerges and Luisa Cruz farm back in 2016. If you are interested in sponsoring a similar project with GRID Alternatives, please visit this link to get more information on future opportunities.

In July 2016, GRID Alternatives International Program volunteers installed a solar-powered drip irrigation system on the Cruz family farm in Jinotega, Nicaragua. Their irrigation system has been instrumental in impacting the farm’s agricultural practices. During a routine system maintenance visit in 2024, the Nicaragua team talked with Boanerges and Luisa Cruz to learn more about how the solar has impacted their farm. 

Like many small-scale farmers in Nicaragua, the Cruz family initially grappled with numerous challenges. They relied on gasoline-powered motors to pump water to their crops, a costly and polluting method. The time-consuming task of traveling to obtain fuel further added to their burden. When they couldn't afford fuel for the generator they had to haul water in buckets by hand from a well or nearby river. The hot climate and lack of water accessibility made watering crops in the dry season a daunting task, significantly limiting their annual yield.

From their modest beginnings, the journey of Boanerges and Luisa is a testament to the transformative power of solar irrigation. They were not just moving from conventional irrigation methods but were also adapting to the challenges of a rapidly changing agricultural landscape.

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The switch to solar irrigation was a game-changer.  They were able to leverage the additional value that solar brought to the farm to open doors to cooperatives and financing opportunities. They adopted cutting-edge agricultural technologies, like greenhouse farming, advanced drip irrigation systems, and environmentally friendly fertilizers and pesticides, which led to a significant increase in their farm's value. Their farm flourished, yielding high-quality produce and minimizing environmental impact. The couple’s transition to sustainable solar irrigation practices is a story of resilience and innovation, empowering them to thrive in an ever-evolving agricultural landscape. 

With the installation of one of the community's first solar-powered drip irrigation systems, the Cruz family farm immediately eliminated gasoline irrigation pumps. This move resulted in significant savings, with the family now saving up to $1,500 semiannually in fuel costs. These savings have not only empowered them to become the area's leading producer but also allowed them to expand their farm and access improved technologies. The value of their land has also seen a steady increase with every investment, highlighting the positive impact that irrigation systems can have on the lives of families and entire communities. The financial benefits of the solar irrigation system have paved the way for the Cruz family's economic prosperity.

In 2024, the husband and wife team is dedicating a whole acre to growing bell peppers.  In the past, their fields have been a mosaic of onions, beans, corn, and watermelons. Crops are rotated according to the seasons, continually monitoring market demand and prices. Rain or shine, the family works tirelessly in the fields. They even hire extra hands, usually 10 to 15 people to help with the harvest. With the help of solar-powered technology, they have managed to streamline their operations, making the most of their time and land. This dedication and innovation has improved their crop yields and secured a brighter future for the family in farming.

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Don Boanerges is a top producer in the area and a community leader who has outgrown the local farmers' cooperative. His significant contributions to the development of his community, being a pioneer in adopting new farming technologies, including solar irrigation, are commendable. He employs many local families and supports his neighbors by maintaining their solar pumping systems. Don Boanerges also invests in his community by providing capital for small loans to other farmers through a cooperative, helping it grow. Additionally, he supports the development, work, and empowerment of women's cooperatives in the area, one of which is led by his wife, Luisa. Their leadership and initiatives have made them top producers and respected figures in their community, a source of pride and inspiration for all.

With their hard-earned savings, Boanerges and Luisa purchased an additional acre of land, a testament to their dedication and vision for growth. Investing over $8,000 in state-of-the-art technologies, they embarked on a journey of innovation and efficiency. Remarkably, Boanerges recouped his initial investment in less than a year, thanks to the dividends yielded by his solar-powered system. Today, the family stands tall as one of the largest producers in Jinotega. Their achievements inspired a new wave of agricultural excellence. Their story is a beacon of hope, demonstrating how economic empowerment through sustainable practices can transform lives and communities.

Read more here about the Cruz solar irrigation project in 2016.