GRID Alternatives prides itself on molding today's youth into tomorrow's solar energy leaders. To help realize this goal Grid partnered with Green City Force.
Green City Force (GCF) is an AmeriCorps program that engages New York’s urban young adults to fight climate change through service, & prepares them for careers in the clean energy economy. From the start it was apparent that we both envisioned a future where qualified Americans would help build tomorrow’s solar.
The partnership became a reality when we launched our first GCF Solar Training Week. During that week low-income students enrolled in GCF’s Green City Academy received a thorough overview of the solar industry, participated in a real-life solar installation & began designing solar panel systems—all under the supervision of Grid Alternatives staff.
At the end of it all Green City Force students learned warehouse management and solar installation skills, making them more competitive in the solar energy market. Symbolic of the relationship between Grid and Green City Force at large, these students took the first step into what appears to be a promising future.