Unprecedented permit fee waiver approved!

There is excitement here at the Central Coast GRID Alternatives office! On August 23rd, 2011, our then-Outreach Coordinator, Sandra Knapp (currently Development Officer), stood before the Board of Supervisors of San Luis Obispo County and presented a permit fee waiver request. Fortunately, it was approved! The county granted the fee waiver because our projects meet a public need, provide a public benefit, and also provide something that is not otherwise available. For example, GRID Alternatives provides multiple benefits such as: reducing homeowner's energy costs by 75-90%, eliminating carbon dioxide emissions, raising property values, and training volunteers/job trainees.

With this approval, $100,000 in installation fees will be waived over a course of 5 years (with an option of reporting back to the Board when we reach $90,000 for a second potential waiver). This will cover permit costs for 33 projects a year and GRID Alternatives will now be able to fund installations for an additional 50-100 homes. This is the first time a county has granted a permit fee waiver to GRID Alternatives, so we're very grateful about this step forward. And also, a great job to Sandra for helping make this happen!

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To read more, there is also an article in the San Luis Obispo tribune: click here.
