As part of our essential EID work, the GRID IE team attended an all-day training session, "Bridges Out Of Poverty" funded by the Parkview Legacy Foundation.
This incredible training opportunity was held at the IEHP Foundation building in Rancho Cucamonga.
Led by Lisa Michelle Zega, who worked as the lead trainer with Damien O’Farrell at Parkview Legacy Foundation, bringing Bridges Out of Poverty and other workshops to providers in Riverside County and the surrounding communities.
This training profoundly impacts individuals and communities by mastering the Bridges Out of Poverty concepts. Empowering those in need to build a better future, one step at a time.
Bridges Out of Poverty helps the trainees understand that reality, and provides institutional and community strategies.
This workshop took a comprehensive approach to understanding poverty by using the lens of economic class and providing concrete tools and strategies for a community to alleviate poverty.
Participants reviewed poverty research, examined a theory of change, and analyzed poverty through the prism of the hidden rules of class, resources, family structure, and language.