A community solar project designed to help low-income members gain more control over their energy costs is in the works at a Colorado electric cooperative.
Grand Junction will be the first in what is likely to be a series of cities in Colorado to get a solar panel array that will lower electrical bills for low-income utility customers.
GRID Alternatives, the nation’s largest non-profit solar installer, and Grand Valley Power (GVP), an electric cooperative utility based in Grand Junction, CO, today announced an unprecedented partnership to develop and produce a community solar garden dedicated exclusively to rate-payers qualified as low-income.
GRAND JUNCTION,Colo. - Grand Valley Power and the largest non-profit solar installer, Grid Alternatives, are partnering to form the nation's first community solar partnership to serve low-income customers.
Grand Valley Power and the largest non-profit solar installer, Grid Alternatives, are partnering to form the nation's first community solar partnership to serve low-income customers.
Denver, CO - Denver has more solar per capita than any other major city in the Rocky Mountain region, and ranks 7th nationally according to a new report by Environment Colorado Research and Policy Center.
GRID Alternatives has announced a partnership with Grand Valley Power (GVP) to produce a community solar garden for low-income groups in Grand Junction, Colorado.