ASER-taining Solar for Everyone: One step at a time

I wouldn’t be able to afford them [solar panels] in my lifetime without the help of GRID Alternatives.  My family will be able to save a lot of money, which we need especially with a newborn at home.  And all of this will help better the environment for our future generations. - GRID Inland Empire client Steven Escobar

Solar energy can benefit all families, no matter the income level. For low-income families in the Inland Empire like Steven’s, who could never afford solar, the benefits can be even greater in terms of financial relief and stability. This means money that can go back into the local economy for food on the table, books for school, shoes on kids’ feet, and gasoline in cars to get to work!

Under a new partnership with Riverside Public Utilities (RPU), GRID IE’s own local municipal utility, GRID will provide 10 low-income families in the City of Riverside access to solar and its many benefits this year! RPU’s new Affordable Solar Energy for Riverside (ASER) Program, modeled after GRID’s Solar Affordable Housing Program, will serve to expand the City’s renewable energy portfolio, reduce energy bills for low-income families by providing no cost photovoltaic systems, and promote economic development by increasing home prices in low-income areas and providing education and workforce development training on solar installation.

ASER is the first municipal program of this kind in California, bringing together City departments, nonprofits and community members to innovatively eliminate the financial barriers to renewable energy acquisition. It’s also designed to be a model for other municipal agencies wishing to offer solar to low-income households.

GRID IE is thrilled to be carrying out this new program starting in Spring 2014! Together, we’re taking one step closer towards access to solar for everyone here in our local region. We will be recruiting homeowners and volunteers soon! To volunteer on a Riverside installation or to see if you qualify for the ASER program, contact us after March 2014 at: 951-272-4743.
