At 17 years old, Michael Elkins followed his good friend's lead and joined the world of military service. During his service, he was an infantryman and First Sergeant E-8 with deployments in Iraq, Germany, and the Ukraine, in addition to being stationed in Los Alamitos, CA and Riverside National Cemetery for eight years. Michael served for 20 years, six months, and one day and was discharged as a First Sergeant.
After being discharged, a new challenge Michael faced was being able to speak to his specific skills when talking with employers. For example, when Michael included in his resume that he was an infantryman, employers would view him as someone who just had physical abilities rather than understanding Michael had capabilities and experience beyond physical aspects. These misunderstandings made it difficult for Michael to find job opportunities. Nevertheless, he continued to look for employers with military backgrounds willing to give him a chance.
After participating in the program Save a Warrior, Michael befriended two people who were doing fellowships with The Mission Continues organization. Michael saw how their lives had improved through the program and decided to get involved himself. The Mission Continues is a nonprofit that empowers veterans by helping them build skills and networks to successfully reintegrate them into the civilian lifestyle and help them find purpose in community impact. Michael says that The Mission Continues helped him with “seeing value I can add [to the community] again while developing new skills and networking abilities.”
Through The Mission Continues, Michael was able to learn about an upcoming internship with GRID Alternatives. Michael was awarded the internship and has been working with GRID though our Troops to Solar program ever since. “I really appreciate what GRID does in the community and how they help everyone, including job training for veterans. GRID makes solar and renewable energy available to everyone, not just those who can afford it,” Michael said.
Michael works with fellow veterans and is happy he has had a hand in seeing them succeed. He said his desire to positively impact the community is the same as when he was in the military, “You feel good about waking up every day knowing you have had an impact on those around you.” Michael’s future goals include starting his own business with sustainable vertical farming and entrepreneurial work to help fellow veterans, just like he was supported through Troops to Solar.
Words of advice he has to fellow veterans includes encouraging them to apply for internships with GRID and The Mission Continues since not every veteran comes out of service ready to start in the civilian workforce. “We are the type of people committed to a lifetime of service,” he said. “I suggest veterans find something where you can be of service to others to get your fulfillment; the more you serve others, the less likely you are to become part of the 22 a day.”
GRID is a proud supporter of veterans through our program Troops to Solar, which is generously supported by Wells Fargo. We offer internships, fellowships, and volunteer opportunities at GRID Alternatives with potential job opportunities. In fact, Michael has already recruited one of his friends to participate in an internship with GRID. Through training and hands-on solar installation, GRID offers veterans a head start for success in the high-growth solar industry. Troops to Solar has also started a Native American Veteran Initiative for solar installation with veteran trainees in extremely high-need tribal reservations. If you would like to learn more, visit our Troops to Solar page or call 951.471.7043.