The Legesma Family Gets Solar

About a year and a half ago, the Ledesma family was able to obtain their dream of homeownership thanks to the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition (CVHC). Through this opportunity, Pedro Ledesma and his wife, who are empty nesters, can now enjoy their first home after apartment living for several years.

Pedro is a retired electrician who lives on a fixed income relying on his social security benefits to support his family. Pedro learned about GRID through a few of his neighbors who received no cost solar through GRID’s Energy for All program. The Ledesma family will be able to see a significant reduction in their electricity cost between 50-75%. 

“What I receive from social security is very modest and I am just barely able to provide for my family,” say’s Pedro. “Now thanks to GRID, the savings will allow me to utilize the monies I save on high electricity costs for other bills,” he stated. 

GRID’s no cost solar program sounded too good to be true to the Ledesma family at first. However, once they completed the application and obtained more information they were amazed. Tracy, the outreach coordinator explained the details thoroughly and walked them through the process. 

GRID Alternatives is a national leader in making clean, renewable energy accessible to underserved communities everywhere. Families such as the Ledesma are able to have access to no cost solar and help reduce their energy bill thanks to GRID’s solar program. 

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more and seeing if they qualify, visit or call 951.465.2864.