
To increase gender diversity in the local solar industry, GRID Alternatives Mid-Atlantic, a nonprofit organization that makes solar power and job training accessible to underserved communities, is hosting its first all-women's solar build in the District. This "We Build" event, sponsored by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), marks the local launch of GRID's national Women in Solar Program.
Nonprofit solar installer GRID Alternatives has launched its national Women in Solar Program, which the organization describes as an effort to build a diverse, equitable and inclusive solar industry by providing pathways to technical careers for women, highlighting the voices of women of color in the industry, and providing national leadership on solar workforce diversity.
Located in the southeast quadrant of Washington, D.C., Parkchester Apartments was not unlike some other affordable housing developments in the city. NHPF enlisted the expertise of GRID Alternatives Mid-Atlantic, an affiliate office of a national nonprofit that focused on bringing solar power and energy efficiency to underserved communities.