Chris Fields, Central Valley Board Member

In southwest Fresno, there's a unique piece of real estate that most people didn't know existed until now. In front of the property is a single-family home that's been converted into a facility for foster youths. In its appearance, it is a modest home that reflects the period of the houses built in the 1980s. It has a circular driveway where the staff would park, and a palm tree planted in the middle of the island. Not too shabby, but nothing to rave about. However, in the back of the property lies a family farm owned and operated by our Central Valley Board Member, Chris Fields. 

"I use farming as a tool to bring underserved communities together," Chris said. He shared with us that the idea of farming behind this facility was primarily due to our Installation Basics Training (IBT200) program. Chris has seen us working with justice-impacted individuals and witnessed firsthand the success we'd had. With video games and the internet to compete with, not every youth who steps onto the farm will appreciate it. For the ones that do, Chris understands the profound impact it will have on a young person's life, and knowing he played a role in the healing process brings him unspeakable joy. 

Chris's birth in Fresno and upbringing on a homestead with a father who was a farmer, and business owner have deeply impacted him.

Chris works for the Fresno Irrigation District as a Water Systems Operator, delivering water to farmers. Between his upbringing on the homestead and being an integral part of farming with his current profession, the land has always beckoned him to return. His relationship with agriculture throughout the years has matured, and his love for the land has become religious. Like most parents who love their children, we hope they will follow in our footsteps. Of his eleven children, Chris was delighted to share that the farm has inspired his daughter to start a business. She is growing trees and herbs that have medicinal purposes and entering the health and wellness industry. 

On behalf of GRID Central Valley, we thank Chris Fields for serving on the board and giving up an evening out of his busy schedule to hang out with us. He has a heart of gold, and his passion for service is self-evident. We appreciate everything he does for GRID, and it's an honor to call him a friend.