Saving the Day While Saving the Planet

A few weeks ago, GRID Alternatives Greater Los Angeles’ (GLA) volunteers were going about their day, installing solar when something unexpected happened…

"Half way through the day, a mom who locked herself out of her house, came to Aldo and Scotti for help," says Rikiya Graham, who re-tells the story through the cartoon pictured on the left. 

GLA Volunteers Brian Scotti and Aldo Aldama were truly the heroes of the day. Brian has been volunteering regularly with GLA this year and is looking to transition into the solar industry. Aldo Aldama has been with GLA since 2010 and has completed numerous installs as well. Aldo has been putting into practice what he learns in the classroom, but still enjoys giving back to the local community.   

The mother of the child, pictured on the left, broke down in tears when her baby was back in her arms and couldn’t stop thanking the volunteers. Thank you Brian and Aldo for saving the day!

Thank you Rikiya Graham for the awesome drawing as well.