
It was standing room only on Tuesday, September 23rd, when GLA's Executive Director, Michael Kadish spoke to students at USC Marshall School of Business's Brittingham Social Enterprise Lab about GRID Alternatives. In attendance were a mix of faculty and staff, undergraduate and graduate business students, and other USC students interested in solar energy, social enterprise, the environment, and job creation.
GRID is hosting a special volunteer orientation on Thursday, September 18th, exclusively for women. If you are interested or you know others who may be interested, come to the offices of LEAD Inc. in Lincoln Heights to network, connect to the solar industry and learn how to obtain hands-on solar experience while giving back to your community.
Here in Shannon County, South Dakota, poverty is endemic, perpetuated by substandard housing and lack of economic infrastructure. In the Pine Ridge reservation and surrounding communities, a growing population of Native youth struggles with uncertain opportunity. Tribal and community leaders are facing these obstacles down by embarking on a path of sustainable community development that embraces cultural values and self-determination.

Gregory Willis, a Marine Corps Veteran, retired in the same Compton neighborhood he grew up in and he’s seen a lot of change: What used to be farmland is now housing as far as the eye can see, and the high school down the road was a horse stable where he rode with his dad back in the 1950’s. And now, with brand new solar panels on his roof, he’s leading a change of his own.