SolarCorp Staff gets Ongoing Education Opportunities

Every day at GRID Alternatives we work to provide hands-on training for those interested in working in the solar energy field. The commitment to teaching is not only for our volunteers, but also for our SolarCorps Fellows, individuals who spend a year in service with GRID Alternatives in exchange for learning opportunities that will help jump-start their careers. This year, construction fellows Kaly Moore and Jenka Terentieva, and Volunteer Coordinator Alex Volzer from the North Valley regional office, joined a dozen other GRID Alternatives fellows from around the state to camp in yurts and spend five days learning about sustainability and renewable energy at the Solar Living Institute in Hopland, CA.

The Solar Living Institute manages a 12-acre renewable energy and sustainable living demonstration site that offers alternative energy fueling stations, organic gardens, sustainable architecture, and workshops and courses on solar energy. Fellows spent the first few days learning the fundamentals of electricity and system design, and the second half of the week getting hands-on installation skills in both battery based and grid-tied solar systems.

The 40 hour course allows SolarCorp fellows to learn more about the technical details of solar installation and design, and prepares them for the NABCEP installers exam. For the construction fellows, it means a deeper understanding of their day-to-day work. For the volunteer training fellows, it means being able to provide a more comprehensive volunteer training and orientation, and being able to address the many questions asked by interested volunteers, job trainees and supporters. And for everyone, it was a great chance to bond as a team. For SolarCorp job openings, visit