GRID In the News

Al mes en la casa de los Menjivar, donde viven 11 personas, se gasta alrededor de $125 dólares por consumo de energía eléctrica, pero en los próximos meses el recibo de la luz empezará a llegar tan bajo como los $20 dólares. La dramática reducción en el ‘bill' será gracias a los paneles solares que recientemente le instalaron de manera gratuita.

TV coverage of GRID Alternatives Greater Los Angeles' Women in Power installation. Top female executives and female job trainees from the Los Angeles Conservation Corps volunteered to install a solar power system for the Menjivar family, a family of 11 spanning three-generations residing in South Los Angeles. The Menjivar’s 4.16 kW solar system will result in approximately $1,360 in energy cost savings in the first year, and nearly $40,000 over its 30-year life.

The battle against what Gov. Jerry Brown called "the pre-eminent threat to all humanity" continued Friday on a residential rooftop in North Long Beach. Brown was in town to celebrate a solar power installation at the home of Maribel and Jose Mendoza and their four boys.

Though rooftop solar is starting to make inroads into California's less-affluent communities, most of the state's millions of low- and moderate-income residents still have to pay their utility bills without much help from the sun. But a non-profit solar installer is trying to change that a little bit at a time. Last week, that "little bit" was two struggling households in Palmdale.

PBS SoCal TV coverage - A modern day barn raising, except this time instead of building a structure to store grain and farm animals, this project stores the energy of the sun.