350 Sacramento “Community forum: Fast Track to Carbon Zero”

GRID is committed to being part of the conversation on renewable energy in Sacramento. This month, a few of GRID’s staff members attended 350 Sacramento “Community forum: Fast Track to Carbon Zero” event. Carbon Zero is a commitment to reduce emissions low enough that any remaining emissions can be absorbed by nature. The event focused on working locally and collaboratively to make communities more resilient and environmentally friendly. "Don't wait for someone else to lead the way, you are the champion the world needs." This is a quote that was shared during the event that speaks volumes to why we all need to be a part of the fight for environmental justice.

Dynamic speakers filled the room as the conversation ensued on a variety of topics. Gabby Trejo, Executive Director, from Sacramento Area Congregations Acting together (Sacramento ACT) stated, "In order to address these issues we need more diversity in the room. People closest to the pain hold the key to the solutions." Attendees from different organizations and fields came together to discuss the many strategies to combat climate change, transportation, policy change, and community activism.

Hannah, our Outreach Program Specialist, gave insight into her experience during the event. “Sacramento is one of the leaders in using JUMP bikes, which are on-demand electric bikes. 20 percent of the bike stations have been placed in disadvantaged communities to help improve mobility. This increases equity in these communities to provide transportation and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by not having to use cars.”

Reaching carbon zero would provide many benefits to the community, but requires many hands involved to help with the change. Millennials are being called to take action and lead the charge for a more sustainable community. All hands are needed to increase change in the Sacramento area. GRID has a commitment to equity and will continue to be a part of the conversation around environmental justice to ensure that under-resourced communities and communities of color will no longer have to bear the burden of environmental degradation and climate change.
