Patricia has always been conscious of the environment. A recent GRID client, she told us that "God put it in our hands to be the stewards." A lifelong Stocktonian committed to advocating for her community’s access to mental health and housing services, especially for unhoused and underserved communities, she serves on the Stockton Mayor's Round Table on Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), is a Commissioner on the Housing Authority of the County of San Joaquin, and is vice-chair of the City’s Behaviour Health Advisory Board.
Patricia learned about the Transformative Climate Communities (TCC)* Stockton Rising coalition from a 2021 Facebook post recruiting “Climate Leaders,” area residents who care about the wellness of their community to do community outreach on behalf of the climate justice and adaptation projects, like GRID’s Energy for All no-cost solar program. An already committed local activist, Patricia is also passionate about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal seven, which calls for universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and clean energy for all by 2030. So she signed up to become a Stockton Rising Climate Leader and got to know the many projects being carried out by Stockton Rising partners.
Then, last year Patricia was able to finally purchase the property that she has rented and maintained for 13 years. "I said, now I'm gonna do the solar."

A GRID Alternatives Outreach Coordinator, Gaby, met with Patricia and determined that she qualified for our program. "They came and put in half a roof for me. They put in my panels. And now I am not a part of the problem. Now I am a part of the solution." Her new solar system is expected to prevent an estimated 41 tons of carbon emissions over its 25 year lifetime.
The solar savings are “fantastic!" she says. Patricia keeps an electricity statement from a year ago, and the front page of that old bill was 41 dollars. Now it's only five dollars. We expect her total savings for the year to be $638.
But it’s not just about solar savings or greenhouse gas reductions for Patricia. She has a five-year plan to build three Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) on the property for homeless seniors to live in. They plan to continue to use clean and affordable energy on the property and continue to address other significant issues in South Stockton.
Working with community leaders like Patricia deepens and amplifies the benefits of GRID's clean energy services. Together with Stockton Rising partners, we are facilitating deep household and neighborhood transformations. Other Stockton Rising TCC services include Little Manila Rising’s free tree planting program and the Edible Schoolyards' community baskets of free, fresh food. For more information about our no-cost solar installation program, including solar readiness and program eligibility, you can fill out this form.
Stockton Rising is supported by California Strategic Growth Council’s Transformative Climate Communities Program with funds from California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment – particularly in disadvantaged communities.