International Impact Stories

GRID Alternatives has announced a partnership with the University of California, Berkeley’s Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL), to integrate research into GRID Alternatives projects providing solar power to communities around the world that lack access to electricity. RAEL researchers will work with GRID Alternatives staff and partners to study off-grid solar projects by GRID Alternatives in Nicaragua, Nepal, and tribal communities in the United States. 

The village of Dhapsung, Nepal may seem worlds away from where you sit right now reading these words. In fact, GRID Alternatives’ headquarters office in Oakland, CA is situated more than 7,500 miles across the Pacific. But thanks to Chris Fearon, a dedicated volunteer and supporter of GRID, Dhapsung feels much closer. Chris offers us a glimpse into the resilience, vibrancy, and humanity of Dhapsung through his own eyes.
In many developing communities around the globe, women spend a significant portion of their day gathering wood for cooking and walking hours to the nearest town to purchase kerosene for lighting. Because women are responsible for cooking and lighting in their households, they are disproportionately exposed to the toxic fumes from these fuels.
What if the people that energy poverty affects the most could become the leaders of the clean energy revolution?
What if women could gain back their productive hours, expand energy access in rural regions, and earn an income all at once?
A year after the devastating earthquake, Nepali people are still moving from rubble to reconstruction. Now, GRID’s International Program is leading a project to bring solar to one of the most impacted communities, the mountain village of Dhapsung. GRID is partnering with Digo Bikas Institute to apply a sustainable development approach to transform Dhapsung, Nepal with the power of electricity. Read on to learn more about the Power Up Nepal project and see how community development can be catalyzed by solar energy.
Impacts from the Valle family's solar-powered drip irrigation system include higher earnings, more diverse crops, less time collecting drinking water, more reliable electricity for home appliances, no more trips to buy diesel fuel, more income for neighbors, and more locally grown food available all year round.