
We’re thrilled to have been selected to administer the program development and case management services for the Sacramento Clean Cars 4 All (CC4A) program (slated to launch in January 2020). This program, managed by the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, was designed to help residents of low-income and disadvantaged communities to scrap their older, polluting cars and replace them with cleaner, electric vehicles.

"Climate change, like other disasters, maps onto existing inequalities in our society. " Logan, our GRID SolarCorps Clean Mobility Fellow and Sacramento Sunrise Hub Coordinator was recently featured in Teen Vogue. The article addressed the critical connections between the climate crisis and racial justice, economic justice, migrant justice, and gender justice. 

Did you know that GRID North Valley offers workshops for those who want to go more in-depth with their solar education? 

This month our Technical Academy Manager, Steve Geiger, conducted a workshop on Ohm’s Law, a basic electricity calculation and how it's applied to solar system design. The workshop was full of valuable content, covering everything from the basics of electricity to the application of Ohm’s Law for solar system design.