Solar Workforce Development in Nicaragua

IBT Nica 4th cohort

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GRID Alternatives solar workforce training program in Nicaragua trains women in solar installation using GRID’s Installation Basics Training (IBT) curriculum that consists of five weeks and 200-hours of interactive classroom learning and hands-on solar training labs. Job trainees gain new occupational skill sets, experience with practical solar applications, and opportunities for a new career path.

Job trainees learn in Spanish about safety, construction basics, electricity basics, array installation, commissioning and O&M, and employment readiness offering students resume-building support, interpersonal skills training, and job search assistance to graduates get hired and stay employed.  Students learn to install off-grid PV systems with storage, grid-tied PV systems, and solar-powered water pumping systems.

We are dedicated to building a diverse, equitable, inclusive solar workforce that offers people of all backgrounds access to family-sustaining careers that bring wealth to their communities.  Job trainees earn a stipend to support wrap-around services, like childcare, transportation and meals, to remove barriers to participation that women often face.

Upcoming Courses

Coming Soon in 2024

Apply here 

Are you interested in sponsoring job trainees in Nicaragua?

If you are interested in providing financial support so more job trainees can participate in our solar workforce training program, please contact us at Individual, foundation, government, job training organization or company sponsorships are available.