
November is a time of giving thanks and GRID Alternatives Central Coast would like to take the opportunity to highlight one of our premier supporters, BHE Renewables. BHE Renewables owns Topaz Solar Farms in the Carrisa Plains (San Luis Obispo County) and have been a wonderful supporter in our local community. Their contributions to GRID Alternatives have helped advance our Workforce Development initiatives on the Central Coast and placed a number of job trainees directly in solar jobs.
Sponsor a GRID solar volunteer day and make a lasting impact in your community, while engaging your employees in a fun and educational teambuilding project with tangible, long-term benefits for local families and the planet.
On Saturday, WGL volunteers joined GRID Alternatives in Southeast DC to install solar for our first multifamily project in the Mid-Atlantic. The WGL volunteers were participating as part of the annual “WGL Day of Weatherization,” which involved 215 WGL employees weatherizing 105 homes in West Virginia, Maryland, DC, and Virginia.