
Nearly three years ago, Los Banos native Jesse Cortez applied to GRID’s Central Valley office in hopes of receiving a solar system to help with high electric bills. Supporting a wife and 7 children, Jesse wanted some relief from the high cost of utilities in the hot, arid region in Merced County. $500 electric bills were just not affordable. He knew the benefits of solar and that the climate where he lived was a perfect match!

Construction on Brian Haas’ new home is still underway, but the U.S. Army veteran welcomed a yard full of guests to the property today. Elected officials, business leaders and volunteers were there to celebrate the installation of a rooftop solar system by GRID Alternatives' employees and job trainees on Haas’ new three-bedroom house, built by Purcellville nonprofit HeroHomes, with solar panels donated by Standard Solar. 

Across the District of Columbia, 42 families are now benefiting from the financial savings that solar power provides, thanks to a partnership between GRID Alternatives and The DC Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU). GRID Alternatives Mid-Atlantic just finished up these solar installations in DC this summer through DCSEU’s Affordable Solar Program. GRID was chosen to be one of the program’s primary solar installers. The DCSEU’s Affordable Solar Program just completed its fifth year, and has already begun work on next year’s projects.
Everyone was standing under the shade of the trees to stay out of the scorching sun. When Tommy Wells of DC’s Department of Energy and the Environment (DOEE) started speaking, groups gathered close together under tents to hear him introduce the signing of the Renewable Portfolio Energy Standard Expansion Act of 2016 (RPS), which was introduced by Councilmember Mary Cheh and was signed into law on July 25th, 2016, by DC Mayor Muriel Bowser.

With help from Fresno Grizzlies players, Joe Musgrove and Tommy Shirley, Sunrun Solar, and sales representatives from Legacy Power, GRID was honored to install a 4kW solar system for Yolanda Lopez and her family.  Yolanda Lopez was overwhelmed with joy as she gave her speech, thanking everyone who participated in installing solar on her home. “I would just like to thank GRID Alternatives’ solar program and all involved with providing my family with this wonderful gift.

The District of Columbia will now join the ranks of states with aggressive renewable energy targets, such as California, New York and, more recently, Oregon. A month after the District of Columbia Council unanimously approved legislation to target 50% renewables, Bowser signed the legislation and gave a preview of the city's plan to turn it into a boon for both employment and the environment.