Job Training

Growing up in a traditional Mexican household, Amaris learned all about gender roles. She has never been one to accept something that didn't make sense, though, and it wasn't long before she launched her own career in the trades. Now, she leads teams in the field for GRID Bay Area. In her words, "Women have a powerful voice and presence, so get out there and make a difference!"
We all know that solar energy is good for the environment and good for your pocketbook. Even a small solar array on a DC rowhouse roof can significantly reduce electricity costs. But, did you know that solar energy is also creating jobs for District residents? In 2017, Washington, DC, increased its solar energy workforce by 10 percent and now ranks sixth in the number of solar jobs per capita in the US.

GRID Alternatives North Valley Technical Academy invites students to explore in-depth concepts related to solar technology. We offer lessons that can be deployed in various ways, including field training, classroom & lab instruction, mobile workshops, and more. 

Lesson topics include: