Solar-powered Water for Homes in El Carrizo, León

El Carrizo Leon
Together with nonprofit El Porvenir, GRID is bringing solar-powered water pumping to 45 homes.

El Carrizo is a small community located just 6 km from the municipality of El Sauce, in the department of León. The people of El Carrizo rely mainly on agriculture, livestock, and to a lesser extent, trade, as their primary sources of income. Key products in the area include sesame, beans, and staple grains, which serve both for personal consumption and as a source of income. More than 45 families call this community home. Despite their hardworking spirit, the community currently lacks access to both water and electricity in their homes so families use a hand-pumped well to bring water up from an underground source and then carry it home in buckets.   In addition, there is no road access to the community since the only road leading to El Carrizo crosses private land which has prevented local authorities from paving the road and improve the community's infrastructure.

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In El Carrizo, the residents continue to thrive in the face of adversity, relying on their resourcefulness to make a living while dreaming of a future with better opportunities.  A solar-powered water supply system will save the community countless hours of transportation, providing improved comfort, resilience, and even safety for the many women and children who currently carry water to their homes. Solar will significantly enhance the quality of life in El Carrizo, allowing residents to invest their time and energy into other activities, fostering a healthier and more secure environment.

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This projects contributes to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 6, which aims to "ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all." Families will pay a small connection fee and the community is creating a local group called "Water and Sanitation Committee" that will be responsible for collecting a monthly fee to maintain both the solar system and the water supply system.  GRID is working together with nonprofit El Porvenir to bring solar-powered water to El Carrizo.

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