Juntas de Neji and San Antonio Necua are two off-grid towns in the municipality of Tecate in northern Baja California, Mexico. Many residents belong to the Kumeyaay nation, an indigenous group of people who lives in both Mexico and the US. Although the two communities are relatively close to larger towns like Tecate and Tijuana, grid electricity has never been extended to their communities.

GRID has been working with the community of Juntas de Neji since 2018 and has brought solar to homes and to the local school. In May 2022, GRID is installed 20 off-grid solar home systems and 20 off-grid solar-powered refrigerators in the communities of Juntas de Neji and San Antonio Necua.
In May 2022, GRID worked with two off-grid Kumeyaay communities in northern Baja California to bring solar electricity and solar refrigeration to families. Residents of Juntas de Neji and San Antonio Necua now have reliable solar electricity to power lighting for reading and studying at night and electric appliances that can give them better access to news, entertainment, and income-generating opportunities. Solar refrigeration will allow families to keep food, beverages, and medicine cold.

The solar-powered refrigeration systems consist of one solar module, a 1,000W inverter, a charge controller, two LTH maintenance-free batteries and an AC refrigerator. Solar-powered refrigerators allow residents to keep food, beverages, and medicine cool, which saves them money, improved health and reduces food waste.
View more photos here.
Thank you to Sempra Foundation and LTH batteries for supporting this project.