GRID Alternatives is working with the community of Jumla Bazar to bring solar electricity to the remote Ashok Namuna School (ANS) in Jumla, Nepal. Ashok Namuna is a community-managed public primary school that runs from pre-K to 5th grade and focuses on providing high-quality education to 200 students from low-income families. GRID is excited to bring solar to this school with significant community involvement that reduces gender discrimination in education and offers high-quality, no-cost education to families from the surrounding villages.
In Nepal’s Jumla district, more and more private schools have opened over time, causing the public schools to degrade. ANS is a public school that was founded approximately 25 years ago and was known for being a high-quality school. As private schools opened in the area, many students left ANS, and the drop-out rate for girls attending school was exceptionally high. Recently, a new committee of local volunteers was formed to improve the quality of the school and they reached out to GRID requesting solar on the school so they can use modern technology in the classrooms.

The new committee’s ambitious leadership has sought out donations from NGO's, community organizations, private entities, and individuals which so they can hire more teachers to improve the student/teacher ratio and improve school facilities. As a result, the number of students has increased to 200 from only four students in 2019.
In 2022, GRID will install a 4.5kW off-grid battery-based photovoltaic system on the roof of the ANS. The solar system will be used to run 25 computers, a printer, a photocopy machine, projectors, light bulbs, electric heaters in the winter, and phone charging points. The installation takes between 3-4 days and includes solar panels, inverters, charge controllers, batteries, a racking system for the PV modules, other balance of system components like breakers and wire, and includes installing AC electricity at the school (lights, switches, outlets).

Solar electrification of the Ashok Namura School can directly impact the quality and equal access to education the students receive by providing reliable electricity that students and teachers can use to power technology and other learning aids. This can contribute to increased student attendance by making the school a more attractive option for families to send their girls to primary school, reducing school drop out rates and increasing girls' school attendance.
To support this project please make a donation here.
Project Dates: October 17-24, 2022
Location: Jumla Bazar, Jumla, Nepal
Trip Fee: $2,200 plus airfare per person (limited spots available)