GRID is working to bring solar electricity to YMCA Community Development Center in Tijuana, Mexico. The YMCA Development Center is an affordable preschool for children in the Tijuana area. There are more than 140 children enrolled in preschool and 13 staff members who work at the center including a full time social worker. Children who go to the YMCA Development Center learn about reading, writing, math, computers, and they take English classes, all of which helps them as they enter elementary school.

The YMCA Development Center offers preschool at a reduced rate primarily to single mothers who work at the nearby factories called ‘maquilas’ and offers extended care for children whose parents after work beyond the preschool hours. The Center also offers scholarships for students to families who cannot afford the monthly tuition of $60.

In, 2025 GRID aims to install solar on the center; a three-story building with five classrooms, a computer lab, a small kitchen, three offices and a playground area. Solar will help lower the electric bill, which ranges from $250-$275 per month. With the cost savings from solar, the Center would like to purchase more computers, add more roofing to part of the playground and classroom area to prevent flooding, all install both air conditioning and heaters for temperature control in the summer and winter. These upgrades directly affect the students and staff, making the preschool a safer and more comfortable place to learn and play.

Project Dates: July 13-19, 2025
Cost: $2,500 per person
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