Doribel Torres’ Empowerment Through Installation Basics Training

I am Doribel Torres, a single mother with two daughters. I learned about GRID's call to instruct women in using and installing photovoltaic systems through social networks. When reading the post, I considered it interesting and challenging at the same time. Also, seeing it as an opportunity to overcome my limits, I considered it a means of empowerment and an example of courage and overcoming for my daughters. Especially since the barriers of sexism persist against women when they work in jobs that for years have been considered exclusive for the male gender, I took that challenge as my own. I got rid of those taboos that haunted my head.
One of my expectations by acquiring new technical knowledge was that I would get the opportunity to manage a career in the photovoltaic industry and be able to collaborate financially with my family. All along, contributing to society while implementing free renewable energy projects that provide social, economic, and environmental justice.
Today, I feel satisfied with the achievements gained from training with GRID. I am not afraid to do this type of work. However, I will likely find people who doubt my capacity and ability to do the job because I am a woman. Yet, I see happiness and joy in my daughters' eyes, knowing that their mother will work in a field that is mentally, socially, and culturally predesigned only for men.