GRID Alternatives Central Valley is pleased to announce the selection of Karina Gonzalez and David Griffin as the new Co-Executive Directors.
Karina Gonzalez brings over 16 years of experience in community outreach, education, and training. Joining the team in 2011, she has driven the GRID mission forward serving homeowners, job trainees, and building partnerships. She thrives in challenging situations, always looking for ways to improve department outcomes and program offerings.
David Griffin brings a wealth of financial and business management to his position from his work history. David began volunteering with GRID after looking for a career that was socially, environmentally, and personally satisfying. It was then he decided to join the Central Valley Fresno team and David has served the GRID CV office for over 11 years.
In the coming year, GRID Central Valley plans to install 4.5 megawatts more solar and deepen its workforce development programming aimed at helping those from underrepresented communities find pathways to long-term employment in high-skilled, well-paid solar jobs.
Congratulations Karina and David!