Utility Partners

GRID volunteers with a solar panel.
GRID Alternatives is a national expert in developing and implementing low-income solar programs in tandem with utilities, and also helps utilities meet their community investment and employee engagement goals.

We’ve partnered with utilities--including Pacific Gas & Electric, San Diego Gas & Electric/Sempra, Southern California Edison, Xcel Energy and Grand Valley Power--to provide energy cost reductions for low-income families, train local workers, and demonstrate utilities’ commitment to both clean energy and the community. 

Interested in partnering with us? Contact your local GRID Alternatives office.

Ratepayer-funded Programs

GRID Alternatives has helped both utilities and local and state governments design and implement solar programs to reduce costs low-income ratepayers. For example, GRID helped design and currently manages California’s SASH program; partnered with Grand Valley Power for the first dedicated low-income community solar garden of its kind in the nation; and is working with the Obama administration to help meet its goal of 100MW of solar on Federally-assisted housing.

Workforce Development

GRID Alternatives provides a “classroom in the field” for job trainees, giving students hands-on experience in the rapidly growing field of solar installation. The expanding solar industry is one of the few bright spots in an otherwise slow labor market. We have several programs and initiatives to provide training and connect employers to job seekers.

Employee Engagement

GRID Alternatives can lead your employees in turn-key volunteer events where they can learn about distributed solar power while making a difference for a local low-income family.


Utilities can put their community investment dollars to work generating long-term savings for families and training people for sustainable employment. Our utility partners have provided over $1 million in philanthropic support for their local communities through GRID Alternatives.