Environmental Justice

By the year 2032, half of D.C.'s energy will be from renewable energy, as required by the new Renewable Portfolio Standard signed into law today by DC Mayor Bowser.  At least 5 percent of this clean energy will be from solar, with a program that will allow 100,000 low-income residents to benefit from solar energy-savings by 2032. 

Today, Mayor Bowser of the District of Columbia signed the Renewable Portfolio Standard Expansion Act of 2016 into Law. This legislation, which was introduced by Councilmember Cheh and unanimously passed by the Council, will simultaneously increase the use of clean energy in DC, bring clean energy and energy savings to 100,000 low-income homeowners by the year 2032, and will create hundreds of clean energy jobs each year. 

Washington D.C. just took a major step forward to advance climate action goals by increasing the renewable portfolio standard (RPS) to 50% by 2032. This means that 50% of all energy generation must come from renewable energy sources, which means more wind and more solar! Included in the bill is a 5% solar carve-out that includes a “Solar for All” program intended specifically for low-income households. This is where GRID Alternatives comes in. As the nation’s largest non-profit solar installer, we intend to help the District achieve its goals of helping 100,000 low-income households reduce electricity costs through solar and energy efficiency.
When Richmond-resident Kirk Essler first heard about GRID in the local newspaper, he thought that solar at no cost for income-qualified families just sounded too good to be true. “I knew my house was perfect for solar,” he explained, “…but if something sounds like such a good deal, you have to be cautious. But I went ahead and applied – I had nothing to lose.”