
GRID Alternatives Mid-Atlantic landed on the map “not with a whisper, but with a bang, a big bang,” as District of Columbia Housing Authority Director Adrianne Todman put it. Around 300 people came out to help us install 19 kW of clean, renewable solar power for ten deserving families, and spread the word that solar can and should benefit everyone.

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) staff spend a lot of time thinking about solar these days, but it isn’t often you’ll find them actually installing it. That changed on a recent Saturday morning in East Oakland, when eight CPUC staffers showed up on their day off to install a solar PV system with GRID Alternatives, which manages the SASH program, a dedicated solar rebate program for low-income homeowners overseen by the CPUC.

We're joining President Obama and over 300 other companies, organizations and public agencies in making major new commitments to deploy renewable energy. In support of the Obama administration’s national renewable energy goals, we're committing to help install 100 MW of solar power on affordable single-family and multifamily homes across the country by 2024.