
“I find that there is a general assumption out there that women don’t want to or can’t work in technically based or physically based positions. In my experience it is difficult to be the only woman and to have to constantly work against those assumptions. When I was installing I found myself working really hard to be the fastest installer on-site since I felt like I was representing women and didn’t want anyone to assume I couldn’t keep up. With that said, I have been fortunate to have many experiences with men across the industry who are very supportive of women working in solar. I am excited about the Women in Solar Initiative, since I think that the more women can be involved in positive learning environments like GRID, then the more likely they will be to pursue a technical or field based position.”

Gregory Willis, a Marine Corps Veteran, retired in the same Compton neighborhood he grew up in and he’s seen a lot of change: What used to be farmland is now housing as far as the eye can see, and the high school down the road was a horse stable where he rode with his dad back in the 1950’s. And now, with brand new solar panels on his roof, he’s leading a change of his own.

We're joining President Obama and over 300 other companies, organizations and public agencies in making major new commitments to deploy renewable energy. In support of the Obama administration’s national renewable energy goals, we're committing to help install 100 MW of solar power on affordable single-family and multifamily homes across the country by 2024.