Women in Solar

SunEdison and the SunEdison Foundation contribute $1.2 million toward a partnership with GRID Alternatives on a new National Women in Solar Initiative. The initiative aims to increase the number of women in the solar industry and support their professional advancement.

At the beginning of May, an amazing team of women drove 2+ hours to come install with our North Valley team.  Women from Sacramento to Redwood Valley came out to learn more about solar and participate in our Women in Solar Initiative.  The build took place the weekend of Mother's Day to celebrate the gift of solar for a deserving mother. The homeowner, Susie, is a mother of five, cancer survivor and helped build her own home.

“I find that there is a general assumption out there that women don’t want to or can’t work in technically based or physically based positions. In my experience it is difficult to be the only woman and to have to constantly work against those assumptions. When I was installing I found myself working really hard to be the fastest installer on-site since I felt like I was representing women and didn’t want anyone to assume I couldn’t keep up. With that said, I have been fortunate to have many experiences with men across the industry who are very supportive of women working in solar. I am excited about the Women in Solar Initiative, since I think that the more women can be involved in positive learning environments like GRID, then the more likely they will be to pursue a technical or field based position.”

Thanks for signing up for our Women in Solar webcast. Use this link to view the webcast at 11am PST Wednesday August 19: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/crjdbqu0n2ccesciv4vq745d34s You will be sent details on how to access the webinar via email. Please use Google Chrome to watch the webinar. Google Chrome can be downloaded for free here. The webinar will be recorded and available online if you are unable to attend. 

Join us for lively discussions with women working in every aspect of the solar industry, from construction to tech to sales and marketing. These interactive discussions cover a range of topics to help you understand the challenges in a rapidly growing industry and gain valuable career insights.