Policy updates for the Solar+ Decade

The 2020s are the Solar+ Decade! Last year, the Solar Energy Industries Association laid out its roadmap for solar to comprise 20% of U.S. electricity generation by 2030. To achieve this goal and tackle the looming climate crisis, we’re pushing to ensure clean energy technologies like solar - paired with battery storage, electrification and clean mobility - are accessible to everyone.

In the coming year, our policy team is working to achieve equitable clean energy policies and programs across the country:

  • We’re working to expand solar access through new low-income community solar policies in New Mexico, New Jersey, Nevada, Washington, Minnesota and the Mid-Atlantic region. 

  • With new leadership in the Virginia legislature, there’s more opportunity than ever to move the needle for equitable renewable energy policy in the Mid-Atlantic.

  • In California, we’re focused on how solar microgrids and energy storage programs can build on California’s existing successful low-income solar programs to build resilient communities. Since we last celebrated California’s investment in the state’s equity budget for battery storage, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is now directing over half a billion dollars in the next few years for low-income and medically vulnerable households for storage.

  • We’re continuously pushing for policies that integrate the training-to-careers pipeline needed to grow a diverse, skilled clean energy workforce.

  • We’re building on last year’s win for California’s San Joaquin Valley. California is moving forward with a series of pilot projects to help San Joaquin Valley communities bring down their energy costs and clean the air through electrification and community solar. This victory is a great example of community-driven clean energy solutions we’re working to support.

As we enter the Solar+ Decade, stay up-to-date with the latest GRID policy wins and updates by signing up for “Policy/Advocacy Updates” in your “Newsletter Subscription Preferences.”
