Joan Murphy of Loveland, Colorado, is a born fighter. She overcame lasting injuries as a result of a serious car accident, but still felt the stress oh high electricity bills--that is, until she heard about the chance to become a community solar subscriber.
DHA is the developer, owner and subscriber of the garden, and partnered with Grid Alternatives and other industry experts, to assist in navigating the complex utility policies, financing structures and allocation of benefits. The system will power approximately 700 low-income units across Xcel Energy’s Denver territory, including DHA properties, other local housing authorities and affordable housing developers.
Though emerging markets have made great strides in expanding access to off-grid solar to the poor, in the U.S. and other developed countries, access to solar energy has largely been limited to middle- and upper-income communities. Despite the rapid growth in alternative energy, low-income people in these markets rarely enjoy its benefits. Yet they are often the ones who would benefit the most.
Under GRID’s community participation and workforce development model, job trainees, volunteers from the community and employees from the utility came together to work alongside GRID staff in the construction of the PVREA project... The entire installation took just under 60 days.
Colorado School of Mines students are helping make solar power more accessible to low-income Coloradans. The Mines Energy Club recently volunteered with GRID Alternatives to help build two community solar arrays, one in Fort Collins and the other near Denver International Airport.
One early example of a collaborative, low-cost project was HCE’s 145-kW low-income solar installation in the Roaring Fork Valley in Colorado. The co-op worked with GRID Alternatives Colorado for the installation, and the Colorado Energy Office for financial assistance.
On October 27 and 28, Positive Impact Colorado, NAACP Rocky Mountain Area Conference, and GRID Alternatives Colorado, took a significant step toward building a middle class reality that is green and inclusive when 4 participants of Positive Impact Colorado, the program of reentry services and opportunities for people on parole or previously incarcerated, engaged with partners Grid Alternatives, Vote Solar and others in our first Power Up training.
"The fact that the solar array is now sold out shows the demand for solar power in our community. We hope this leads to consideration for a second array in YVEA territory," said Executive Director Sarah Jones.
DENVER - The Denver Housing Authority is getting into the solar gardening business. They are building a field of solar panels, at a remote location, that creates energy for low-income families.