Job Training

Uneven playing field

“Employers do background checks — and no one is hiring an ex-felon. That alone is enough to discourage someone from applying to jobs,” said Wells, who had to start his solar career at temp agencies or “mom and pop” installers because “nine times out of ten they don’t screen — but nine times out of ten they don’t pay either — or you don’t have benefits.”

Wells had to go through temp agencies — “getting hired through the temp agency and working at the same company that denied you — while getting paid $14 per hour instead of $20 per hour.”

In light of the disproportionate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on communities of color, and the global call to action to address systemic racism, GRID Greater Los Angeles facilitated a thoughtful dialogue about socio-economic inequalities in LA and solution-based approaches.

In light of recent developments compelling many to spend more time at home (and online), we at GRID have been considering various methods of expanding our training offerings to include a more robust spectrum of learning opportunities for community members who may be seeking new career opportunities or want to continue their studies from home. Our new distance learning IBT program model will launch on June 1st! 

Through SMUD's Solar Community Grant program, GRID Alternatives North Valley is set to install a solar electric system to help power the Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services Arata Brothers building in Oak Park later this year. This will lower their electricity bill and leave more money available to deliver needed community support services.