Job Training

A $300,000 grant from Bank of America is helping to fund the SolarCorps Fellowship Program, which has up to 40 SolarCorps Fellows complete one-year, full-time paid positions focusing on solar installation, community outreach, and workforce development in GRID offices across the country. Throughout their year of service, participants from diverse backgrounds gain valuable experience and skills in the solar energy and nonprofit industries, helping to launch their renewable energy careers, while making significant contributions to the communities GRID serves.

A recent graduate of our solar Installation Basics Training (IBT) program, Alexis, was hired by a local solar company soon after graduating.  

Alexis is a 32-year-old Sacramentan married father of one who commuted for 12 years to his job in the Bay Area as a hotel renovator. He only had Sundays off, so would only be able to come home Saturday evening and rest on Sundays. He was rarely home during the weekdays, and Alexis said he was ready for a change and looking for a job closer to home so he could be around more to enjoy his daughter’s childhood.

CTTC Students

Get the training you need to become a solar installer! Installation Basics Training (IBT) is a paid, five-week training program designed to help you develop the skills solar industry employers are looking for.

It’s easy to think that a significant amount of time and money is required to get the necessary qualifications to get into the solar industry. However, with GRID Alternatives North Valley, the process of becoming a solar installer can be a lot easier than expected. There are fewer barriers to becoming a solar installer, as most employers are looking for training or on-the-job experience, not a bachelor’s degree.