Job Training

CTTC Students

Get the training you need to become a solar installer! Installation Basics Training (IBT) is a paid, five-week training program designed to help you develop the skills solar industry employers are looking for.

It’s easy to think that a significant amount of time and money is required to get the necessary qualifications to get into the solar industry. However, with GRID Alternatives North Valley, the process of becoming a solar installer can be a lot easier than expected. There are fewer barriers to becoming a solar installer, as most employers are looking for training or on-the-job experience, not a bachelor’s degree.

In 2018, Cristian Tello heard about GRID Alternatives from a radio announcement. Although he didn’t know anything about solar, he was interested in finding out more about a possible opportunity. His current job at a car wash wasn’t providing the prospect of upward advancement and solar just might be the thing that he was looking for in a career. With a little investigative work, he found that GRID Alternatives offered a variety of ways to gain skills in different aspects of the solar industry and Installation Basics Training (IBT) was one of them.