Job Training

In light of recent developments compelling many to spend more time at home (and online), we at GRID have been considering various methods of expanding our training offerings to include a more robust spectrum of learning opportunities for community members who may be seeking new career opportunities or want to continue their studies from home. Our new distance learning IBT program model will launch on June 1st! 

Through SMUD's Solar Community Grant program, GRID Alternatives North Valley is set to install a solar electric system to help power the Sacramento Food Bank and Family Services Arata Brothers building in Oak Park later this year. This will lower their electricity bill and leave more money available to deliver needed community support services. 

California State University, Fresno, (CSUF) has been committed to improving students education while helping the community in the Central Valley. Every year, thousands of students choose to volunteer in many different ways, giving back to the community. According to the Jan and Bud Richter Center for Community Engagement and Service-Learning, CSUF has provided over one million hours of service here in California’s central valley.

GRID Alternatives’ Solar Spring Break (SSB) Program, sponsored by Wells Fargo, is a national alternative break program that creates opportunities for students to make a difference in low-income communities while getting hands-on training in renewable energy.