Environmental Justice

The Bayview-Hunter’s Point neighborhood has a long history of environmental degradation; it houses one third of San Francisco’s hazardous waste sites and has four times more toxins than the rest of the city. GRID Alternatives has partnered with 93 low-income families in this neighborhood to install PV systems that combat asthma, chronic illness, and high mortality rates caused by air pollution.
Los Angeles is increasingly becoming a clean technology hub, but for South Los Angeles residents, who face severe economic and environmental challenges—high rates of foreclosure, unemployment, and pollution—the benefits of clean energy are typically out of reach. All that changed in one neighborhood on Saturday November 10th, when GRID Alternatives Greater Los Angeles installed solar electric systems for ten low-income families in the lovely Willowbrook area.
Bayview Hunter's Point neighborhood in San Francisco
We’re helping environmentally burdened communities across the country see a brighter, cleaner future for generations to come, like the families in San Francisco’s Bayview neighborhood.