Multifamily Solar

Solar PV (photovoltaic) technology has made great strides in the last decade and it’s easier now than ever to have your own system installed. However, while we would love to power every building with sunshine, there are many factors to consider when evaluating your building or site for a solar PV system. Not all solar systems are built equal.

By Shyla Black, Multifamily & Commercial Solar Program Coordinator

Here in Chico where I sit working from home the Dixie Fire rages. Currently, it has burned more than 722,000 acres and it is only 40% contained. The smoke outside has turned the sky white and my dog keeps looking up at me bored and morose. She knows something is wrong, she can smell it, but though she seems worried she still needs to run - but being outside gets unpleasant after a short time, so we do what we can inside. 

Growing interest in microgids is now forcing utilities and regulators to rethink how the grid of the future will be designed and operated. The recent increase in natural and human-triggered threats like wildfires and severe storms has added urgency to microgrid development.